The three-year programme in Scienze economiche e bancarie provides a sound understanding of the fundamentals of banking intermediation, insurance management and financial markets, giving particular attention to the macro- and micro-economic aspects of financial economics. At the same time, it provides rigorous training in all core economic disciplines as well as other social sciences such as history and law. Our undergraduate degree programme has been designed with a primary focus on resource allocation under conditions of uncertainty, corporate financing and investment decisions without neglecting their economic and social implications, as well as risk management and the functioning and regulation of financial markets within a broader institutional and social framework.
Scienze economiche e bancarie graduates will develop an understanding of economic and financial phenomena and acquire all the core skills required to analyse economic issues and data. Graduates will also attain significant advantages towards undertaking a number of graduate courses, in particular the two MSc programmes in Economics and Finance taught in English in Siena, as well as the two-year programme in Accounting and Management of the MSc in Management and Governance.
This undergraduate programme relies on a teaching staff with extensive international experience in teaching and research in the areas of financial intermediation, economics and statistics. The development of curricular internships at banks or insurance companies and study periods abroad are promoted through of a number of cooperation agreements with qualified European universities (mainly Erasmus mobility), thus students have many opportunities to undertake a part of their education abroad.